
About us

The decision related to the foundation of the Faculty of Teacher Education in Rijeka was adopted by the Senate of the University of Rijeka at the meeting held on January 27, 2006.
Based on the previously obtained Licence to Perform Higher Education Activity of 17 July 2006, Decision on Entry into the Higher Education Institutions Register of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of 22 September 2006 and Decision on Entry into the Court Register of the Commercial Court of Rijeka of 24 August 2006, the Faculty of Teacher Education commenced its activity on October 1, 2006.
The Faculty of Teacher Education in Rijeka is the legal successor of the Teacher Training Academy of Gospić and of the Teacher Training Academy of Rijeka, whose students continued studying at the newly established faculty in Rijeka, having been granted the right to complete Early and Preschool Education or Primary Education study programmes that had been carried out at the aforementioned academies.
Activities of the Faculty of Teacher Education include:

  • higher education activity carried out through organization and execution of the university study programmes in the area of primary education and early and preschool education
  • scientific activity and professional work
  • organization and execution of professional training and development programmes in the area of primary education and early and preschool education
The higher education activity is carried out through organization and execution of the following university study programmes:
Study programme Duration  Number of ECTS Academic title
University undergraduate study of  Early and Preschool Education 3 years or
6 semesters


University Bachelor of Early and Preschool Education
University graduate study of Early and Preschool Education 2 years or 4 semesters 120 Master of Early and Preschool Education
University integrated undergraduate and graduate study of Primary School Education 5 years or 10 semesters  


Master of Primary Education


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