About Erasmus+
The goals of the international cooperation are defined by the Strategy of the University of Rijeka and the Strategy of Scientific Research of the Faculty of Teacher Education in Rijeka. Through international cooperation we strive to increase the number of our academic staff and students in the international exchange and mobility programmes between the European universities and our institution in order to integrate the Faculty of Teacher Education in Rijeka into the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area.
Therefore, our goal is to provide the academic staff, the researchers and the students with a quality and timely information about the possibilities of actively participating in European programmes and projects of the European higher education institutions. Erasmus+ programme includes all European Comission's European and international programmes and initiatives in the field of educfation, training, youth and sport. It is aimed at strenghtening of the knowledge, skills and employability of the European citizens as well as towards the promotion of education, training and work in the field of youth and sport.
CONTACT PERSON: Morana Drakulić, Assistant Professor; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Incoming students
Dear exchange students,
Thank you for considering our Faculty as the host institution for your student exchange.
Faculty of Teacher Education offers two study programmes: Primary School Study at the bachelor and master level, and Early and Preschool Education Study at the bachelor level.
Here are the pages we think you will find useful:
-University of Rijeka official web page
-Study in Croatia
-Information regarding your stay in Rijeka
If any questions still remain unanswered, do not hesitate to contact our Erasmus Coordinator on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We wish you a pleasant stay in Rijeka at the Faculty of Teacher Education! :-)
Courses in English LINK
Courses may be selected either from Primary School Study or Early and Preschool Education Study. Students without working knowledge of Croatian can only select courses from the Courses in English list. Students with the working knowledge of Croatian (B1 level) may choose the courses offered within a particular study programme. Prior to the selection of courses in Croatian, they need to contact the Receiving institution Erasmus coordinator.
Description of the study programme | Undergraduate study of Early and Preschool Education |
Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate Primary School Education |
Inter-institutional agreements
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